One of the greatest benefits of my job is the fantastic vacation time! This past week was one of my favorites - SPRING BREAK!! I love Spring Break for so many reasons...
- A week to relax a little before the big push of state testing.
- It means another year will be winding down faster than I am probably ready for.
- I get to sleep in - not as late as I used to but still later than 5:30!
- And most importantly now, I get tons of time to love on my kiddos.
We got a very generous offer from my mom this year, she wanted to take the girls for the week. She is both wonderful and probably a little looney! But I jumped on the offer - it would give me time to focus on the boys. So the first Saturday of Spring Break, Trey and I loaded up the troops and headed to Nana and Papa's house. I still don't quite understand how all of the kids, dogs, gear, and luggage fit in the minivan, and still leave us room to move around, but I am not going to question it. We were off by 8:15, Bryan had me call Nana to tell her, "we're on our way!"
Our Serious Driver |
Singing and Drumming |
About two and a half hours down the road, Bryan started to turn an odd shade of purple. I asked if he was OK, and he told me he needed a new diaper. We started looking for a place to pull over just as he threw up all over himself. Poor baby - this is the first time he has really done this. We pulled over into a gas station and got him changed and cleaned up. We decided to go ahead and feed the babies while we were stopped. Bryan looked a lot better, we got him some crackers and juice, so we decide to keep going (we were already half way there).
Another hour and a half or so down the road, I noticed the odd shade of purple returning and told Trey Bryan was about to throw up again. Before I had completed my sentence - it happened... TWICE!! Trey pulled over to the side of the road (in the middle of nowhere) and we started cleaning up again - it was so much worse this time. Thankfully, I had packed 2 extra sets of clothes in the car! We took the cover off the carseat, and Bryan sat on a changing pad and blanket for the rest of the ride.
Notice the styrofoam lining and his sister's blanket. |
We finally made it to Nana and Papa's and you would have thought that nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Bryan wanted to ride with Papa the second his feet hit the ground. He did some playing while we unloaded the car. Then my mom decided he needed to practice finding Easter eggs before the big hunt at Noni's house.
The next morning we got up and ready for a fun day. Ruby, William, and Savannah had a great time playing in the floor while Mom and I made breakfast.
William and Savannah |
Savannah, Ruby, and William |
Savannah and Maizie |
Maizie and Savannah |
I was taking Ruby's picture... |
William thought he should be in it.... |
Or better yet, the main subject! |
After breakfast, Bryan and Nana made cookies and decorated cupcakes. I think he really only decorated 2 or 3 before bailing on Nana.
Picking out sprinkles |
Mom and I decided to go to town, I needed to get a baptism outfit for William (sadly the store had closed). Bryan tagged along. We went to CVS (more exciting than I would have thought). I found children's dramamine for Bryan!! We then went to Gibson's, which is a store I can't even explain... It is basically a really old "department store". It has everything you never knew you really needed. We went looking for boots for the babies, but couldn't find any. Bryan did, however, find cowboy hats for himself, Ruby, William, Savannah, and me. After Gibson's we went to lunch - I can count on 2 hands the number of times I have sat in a restaurant in the last 10 months! Bryan insisted on wearing his new hat. He walked in like he owned the place! I am proud to say, though, that the hat came off right when he sat down, and didn't go back on his head until he got up from the table. My boys will have manners if it kills me!!
My little cowboy |
Then it was back to the ranch for Bryan's nap. First, though, he had to give the babies their new hats. I got pictures of 2, but Savannah was not having it!
Ruby LOVED hers (for about 30 seconds) |
William looking like a little old man |
When Bryan got up, outside we went - he would sleep out there if we let him! My dad hung an old tire swing in their front yard that was hanging at my grandparent's old farm. For my 6th birthday party, my Papa hung this old tire and it stayed put until the farm was sold around 14 or 15 years ago. When my parents bought the ranch, the tire swing found a new home - and new rope! I still love to swing on it, and decided to see if Bryan and I could swing together like I did with my cousins so many years ago.
That night, we couldn't get Bryan out of the cowboy hat...
That's right, Cars PJs and a cowboy hat.
Why not?!?!? |
We got up and moved slowly on Monday morning. After one last ride with Papa, Bryan took some dramamine and we headed home with the boys - and no vomiting!
Out like a light for over 3 hours!! |
Part 2 coming tomorrow....
Love reading about your adventures! What a great Nana.