So much has happened in the
last month. It has been a crazy, fun, exciting adventure being the mother
of four, but it leaves me with little time to update the blog! So, here
is a quick run down on the last month for the Kneggs family….
May 4th:
The triplets made their debut. They all had to go to the
NICU. There, they were hooked to
monitors, IVs, and nasal cannulas. They were born at noon, and I was not able
to go see them until 9:00 that night, which made for a very long day of lying
in bed. I saw them for just a few
minutes that night, I was not feeling well and was ordered back to bed. While I was there, though, I was told that
William was doing much better than expected (generally premature, white males
take the longest to get on track), Ruby was doing fairly well also, but
Savannah was having trouble breathing.
She was not producing serfactant, which keeps the lungs from sticking
May 6th:
was doing great until Ruby decided to have a collapsed lung. It sounded so scary to this mommy,
until our amazing neonatologist explained with great detail. Basically, she had oxygen trapped on
the outside of her lung preventing it from fully inflating. Normally, they would make an incision
and let the air escape. However,
they decided to try something a little less invasive – they put her on 100%
oxygen which flowed thru the membrane of the lung and absorbed the air
pocket. They thought this would
take 24-48 hours, but within 12 hours, the air didn’t show up on the chest
x-ray!! We have such
May 7th:
finally got to hold and snuggle William!!! I was visiting in my hospital room with family, Trey had
just gotten back from taking Bryan to swim lessons, and the nurse came down. It scared me to death to see one of
their nurses in my room, they never left the NICU, but she asked if I want to
hold my son. I have NEVER moved so
fast in my life!! Such an amazing
moment!! Later that night, we got
to hold Ruby as well- so awesome!!
Savannah was still having a little trouble breathing, so she would have
to wait.
May 8th:
I was
discharged – this meant twice a day drives to visit the babies.
May 9th:
I finally
got to hold Savannah and give her the very first bottle!!
May 14th:
Trey got
a phone call from the NICU asking if we wanted to room-in for the night – in other
words, the babies would most likely be coming home the next day!! This was our test to make sure we were
prepared to have all three home, with no nurses!! Mom and I went down to the NICU and each baby did their car
seat test and passed with flying colors.
By 1:00, I had all 3 babies in a tiny hospital room by myself – mom left
me there and Trey wouldn’t be there until after work. It was a long night, but we survived and by 11:00 the next
May 15th:
was released from the hospital!!
Bryan finally got to meet his brother and sisters that afternoon – and my
WHOLE family was finally under one roof!!
Those are
the major highlights…. Since
coming home, there have been hundreds of diapers changed and bottles fed!! The babies continue to grow like weeds
and we see their little personalities forming with each day. Bryan is an amazing Big Brother. He loves his babies and has to
constantly check on them to make sure everyone is OK. He continues to take swim lessons, and is a great floater!! He only has about 3 lessons left for
the summer.
Bryan Swimming |
One Month Old - Savannah, William, and Ruby |
I will
try to get back to blogging more often – but NO PROMISES!!