The Kneggs

The Kneggs

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sunny January

This January has been just a little warm, to say the least, so we are taking advantage of every sunny afternoon that we can!!  I have been making a point of getting the kids outside as much as I can to enjoy the beautiful weather.  Wagon rides have been my go to activity because everyone is strapped in and contained.  Today, though, I decided to take the kids out in the backyard to play.

This is what that looks like...

That's right... Bouncy Seats in the Backyard
I call it survival!!

He is so laid back...
I love his feet in this picture!

Bryan was so happy swinging all by himself!

She would not smile when I had the
camera on her!!

Sweet Bouncy Girl!!

We spent at least 45 minutes outside with no crying!!  They seriously love being outside, so if it takes me moving bouncy seats out, then that's what I'll do.  Nothing better than happy kiddos!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 2013

I'm so behind!!!

It has been a crazy month that is going by too quickly!

Savannah, Ruby, and William hit 8 months on January 4th.  So hard to believe that we are 75% done with their first year.  Where did the time go?

Ruby Lou

Savannah Banana


I cannot believe how big they have gotten and how their personalities are changing every day.  Bryan is a wonderful big brother - better than I ever hoped he would be!  He wakes up in the morning or after nap and tells me he wants to make smile and be happy.  I could not be more proud of the boy he is becoming!

Here are a few glimpses into the day to day of our family...

Watching Mickey Mouse together

Making Noni a Birthday Train Cake

I just love that they look like they were caught!

Our girls

Bryan learning to climb
the ladder

Bryan showing William how to play
trucks.  He melts my heart!!

Wagon Ride

All Smiles

They love riding!!