The Kneggs

The Kneggs

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Savannah - 4 Months Old
Ruby - 4 Months Old

William - 4 Months Old
Cowboys' First Game
And Trey's First Time to Hold EVERYONE!!
(I think it was because of the attire!)
Mommy's Turn
Bryan holding William

Just an average Saturday....

Naked "Swimming" in a Bucket

Totally Normal, RIGHT?!?!?

Nothing Like a Little Nude Swinging!

Such a Happy Boy!
 Zoo Trip - What were we thinking?!?!?!

WOW!!  I love animals!!
Checking out his froggie!

Not impressed!

Looking at the animals with Daddy

Bryan looking at Koalas... Mommy taking in Bryan

Random Pictures...

My Girls

If you flip thru this one and the last one, it looks like she is
punching her sister...
Showing his lil' bro how it works

Bryan wanted to share his toys - SWEET BOY!!
Building a Bird's House

Where else would he put his hard hat but on his sister!

A Meeting of the Minds

I Love Baby Feet!
Nothing like a good pillow fight

Balance Beam

Sweet Smiles

Bryan's 2nd Birthday (A Month Late!)

So, I fell slightly behind after I went back to work!!  A lot has happened in the last month and a half, so I will break this into a couple of posts.  

First things first, Bryan turned TWO!!  I can't believe how fast the time passed!  He is such an amazing little boy and the best big brother three babies could ask for!  

The week before his birthday, Nana and Papa were here for a visit, so they celebrated with him.  Here are a few pics...

Papa and all the Grand kids

Then it was Nana's Turn!

Among other things, Nana bought him a Plasma Car...
Cerah came to visit, so we all went for a drive!

On his actual birthday, we had a construction party.

Birthday collage
All the kids had a big water gun fight in the backyard.  Somehow, though, it was the adults who came in soaked!!

Then it was present time...  Bryan is so blessed to have so many people that love him and wanted to celebrate his birthday!

PiƱata Time!!

Diggin' In!

Aunt Laura made AMAZING Cupcakes!!

Struttin' his 2 Year Old Stuff before bed!

The day after playing with his new water table

I can't believe it!