The Kneggs

The Kneggs

Monday, April 30, 2012

I Spoke Too Soon

So I spoke too soon on the Saturday night post!!  Not long after posting, I started feeling very nauseous.  I’ll spare you the details, but the stomach virus I had was not a pretty site.  Poor Trey had to clean out 3 trashcans.  After emptying my stomach, I was so dehydrated I started having contractions.  By 1:00 am Trey was on the phone with the doctor, and then his mom getting us ready to head to the hospital.  We made it to the hospital around 2:00, so I had to go in through the emergency room.  Being that I was originally going to be delivering at a different hospital, I was not preregistered, which kind of scared me!!  However, my amazing doctor had already called to prepare them.  I walked in the emergency entrance, and the woman at triage already knew who I was.  All she asked for was my ID and insurance, then sent me on my way in the wheelchair they had waiting.  It could not have been an easier process.  She came to my room once she had everything filled out with papers for me to sign.  Come to find out she recognized me because her kids used to go to my school.  It’s always nice to find connections with people, especially in a semi scary situation. 

Anyway, the nurses got me on an IV drip and started rehydrating me.  They also got all 3 babies on a monitor, as well as getting me hooked up to watch my contractions.  This was quite the ordeal because I was not much help as far as being able to move where they needed me, or making a fist for the blood draw.  Dr. Schermerhorn arrived around 4:00 and gave me the run down.  Basically, they would monitor the babies, but for the most part, the goal was to treat the stomach virus and stop labor.  He gave me meds for the nausea, to stop the contractions, and a steroid to help make sure the babies’ lungs will be developed.  By about 5:00, I was feeling so much better.  I was still not 100%, but definitely on my way.  The doctor gave the OK for me to try solid foods at breakfast, but I just couldn’t bring myself to try it.  At lunch, I managed to eat about half of a roll, and by dinner I ate some potatoes.  Dr. Schermerhorn came back around 1:00 Sunday afternoon to check on me again.  He told me that my contractions had been about one minute apart when I was admitted, but by 1:00 had greatly decreased and were not very regular.  He also told me that I would have to stay at least one more night for monitoring, but I would be able to go home either Monday or Tuesday. 

While he was still here, Dr. Schermerhorn even went down to the postpartum end of the hall and got 2 of our very favorite nurses to come visit me.  It was so great to see them; they were both so amazing with Bryan.  Surprisingly, they remembered us and talked about our stay almost 2 years ago.  I am so glad that we made the decision to deliver at Doctors Hospital; it is like visiting family here.  They really have gone above and beyond to make me feel comfortable.  The doctor is hoping to get me to go another week or two, but they have the beds and everything else ready if they do need to deliver.  My nurses even told me that there are several nurses trying to make sure they are on my delivery team. 

By Sunday night, I was off all of the monitors and just had the nurse checking on me every 4 hours or so.  This morning, I had a sonogram and everyone checked out great!!  I was able to come home but I am finally on strict bed rest orders.  My mom will be arriving tomorrow night to help Trey manage Bryan and me, as well as take me to my doctor appointments so Trey can keep working.

I don’t know if I will ever be ready to deliver, and ultimately, bring home triplets.  But after last night and today, I am certainly more comfortable with how quickly and efficiently the hospital got the babies and me back on the mend.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Still Waiting...

As of today, I am 34 weeks into this pregnancy and still going!  I had my weekly appointments on Wednesday and Thursday, as usual.  On Wednesday, Dr. Schermerhorn, my primary doctor, told me that I have made it farther than he could have imagined.  With that, he told me that I now have the option to deliver at Doctors Hospital, which is where I had Bryan, or at Baylor.  Up to this point, I would have had to deliver at Baylor because of the likelihood of needing a Level III NICU.  The doctors are no longer seeing a need for that level of care; at the most they believe that they may need respirators, but nothing more.  I hope and pray they are right!!  If I do deliver at Doctors, then it will be the first set of triplets at their hospital.  My report was also positive with Dr. Schermerhorn.  My blood pressure was still low, we heard heartbeats, and my stomach measurement has almost broken his record – I am 1 cm away.  Also, I was told that the average weight gain for triplets is 50 lbs, and I am at 33, so here’s hoping that it doesn’t go up much more. He also told me the absolute latest that I would deliver, as far as he is concerned, would be May 22.  So, as scary as it sounds, I will have 4 kids sometime in the next three and a half weeks!

Then Thursday, I saw Dr. Magee.  He also told me that the babies are most likely free from the need of Level III NICU.  He basically told me that the only reason that I am still considered high risk is because there are 3 babies; as far as their size and my report, he sees little risk.  As a matter of fact, he told me that if all high-risk pregnancies were as uncomplicated as mine, then he would be out of a job.  The only concern that he had was my blood pressure.  For the first time, it was a little high.  It wasn’t so high for them to put me on bed rest, he just told me what to watch for and when to call my doctor.  Next week will be my last growth sonogram; from there I am hoping that they will set a date!!

Bryan is still doing great!  I am pretty sure he knows something big is about to happen.  He has started clinging to Trey and me.  He is such a happy boy, though, so it is hard not to eat up every minute with him!  He loves to run and play outside.  He has so much energy and I feel terrible that I can’t join in on his fun.  Soon enough, though, I will be back on my feet – and before I know it I will be chasing 4 of them around!!

As we prepare for the triplets, all that I can think of is how this pregnancy has been one miracle after another.  From thinking that we were miscarrying but finding out we are having triplets, to making it farther than any doctor thought I could, we have been blessed.  The power of prayer and faith never ceases to amaze me. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

33 Weeks....

Not much to report this week.  I am now 33 weeks along, and the doctors still won't give me any idea of when I will deliver.  I am increasingly anxious, nervous, terrified, etc....  I am also increasingly excited, overjoyed, and blessed.  Hopefully we will have 3 beautiful babies sometime in the next 3-4 weeks, I don't know if I can physically or emotional go much further than that!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bigger and Bigger

Time for the weekly update...

This week was another growth sonogram, and these babies are growing like weeds!!  We could not be more excited to report:

Ruby - 3 lbs 3 oz
William - 3 lbs 13 oz
Savannah - 4 lbs 6 oz - that's right she gained 1 lb 12 oz in 3 weeks!!

I think the reason that Savannah is growing bigger than the others is that she is in the penthouse!
The babies have moved around a little.  Ruby and William are now "standing" side by side, while Savannah literally lays on top of their heads.  The doctor also told me, again, that I am still showing no signs of needing strict bedrest or delivering in the next few weeks.

We continue to be blessed every day that the babies are cooking - for every day that I can keep them in, that reduces our NICU stay by 3 days.  Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers, they are definitely working miracles!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

I think Bryan has a new favorite holiday!!  Yesterday, we practiced for today's Easter egg hunt.  This morning he stood by the backdoor with his basket, repeatedly saying "eggs, eggs".  He was ready this year and had so much fun hunting for eggs with his cousins!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

31 Weeks and Still Going....

I'll start the same as usual....

I went to both doctors this week (yes, I am now seeing both of my doctors weekly) and both said the same thing as usual, things look great!  I am showing no signs of needing to deliver these babies anytime in the next couple of weeks.

My appointment on Tuesday was with my doctor.  He told me to prepare to deliver anytime within the next 7 weeks.  All I could think is that he is CrAzY if he thinks I am going to carry these babies to 37 weeks!!  He also told me, much to Trey's dismay, that my belly button would most likely not pop out.  I know, strange thing for me to talk about, but Trey was very disappointed when it stayed in with Bryan, so I had to ask the doctor about this time.  I try to find humor where I can!!  After my Tuesday appointment, I had all intentions of going to visit my school.  However, right as I was getting there, the tornado sirens started go off, so I hightailed it home.  I made it home fine and hunkered down for the storms heading toward Forney.  I watched the weather reports as the storms moved across the metroplex.  I ended up in the bathroom on the floor when I heard what I thought was furniture being thrown into the side of our house, turned out to be baseball sized hail.  It was all very scary - I was home alone and completely panicked that I did not have Bryan with me, especially when I heard how close the tornadoes were to Laura.  However, I knew deep down that he was safe with Laura.  She was AMAZING!!!  I don't know how she kept calm in the face of the storms with two toddlers.  I cannot say it enough that we are truly blessed to have Laura keeping Bryan.

OK, enough of the storms....  I went to the specialist on Thursday, as usual.  They are the ones who will most likely determine when I will deliver.  And as for now, I have at least 2 more weeks.

Enough serious stuff, I have decided to share, just for laughs, the top 10 things that I can no longer do....

1. Get out of bed in less than 30 seconds.  This actually takes about 5 different movements, one of which is hooking my foot on the side of the bed to pull me up to sitting.

2. Pick up anything that I drop.  If it hits the floor, it pretty much stays there until Trey gets home.

3. Tie the drawstring on my sweat pants.  That's right, my arms are not long enough to reach the bottom of my ever growing belly!

4. Have Bryan sit in my lap.  Try as he may, he just doesn't fit.  Poor baby tries really hard to push my belly out of his way, but it isn't going anywhere.  Thankfully, he has settled for sitting beside me.

5. Climb the stairs without stopping at least twice.

6. Sit up straight, I can recline or lay down.

7. Along the same lines.... Drive without looking like I am from the hood.  Yes, I now have to lean my seat back, to the point where I can barely reach the steering wheel, to be able to get my belly behind the wheel!

8. Wear any shoes, except flip flops... Not because my feet are swollen (although they are a little), but because I can not reach my feet to put them on.

9. Eat more than a kid's size portion of anything - if that!!  Trey laughs at me because I will order a meal, eat a couple of bites and then be completely full, there is just NO MORE ROOM!!!

10. Go anywhere without being asked when I am due - and then getting crazy looks when I say June with no explanation.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bluebonnet Pictures

We got out this morning and took Bryan's 2012 Bluebonnet pictures....