One more week and we have reached viability and thankfully at this week's appointment I showed no signs of anything happening anytime soon!! The sonogram this week was another growth sonogram. All of the babies are growing and measuring at about 23 weeks - so right on target. The girls weigh 1 lb 2 oz each, and William is measuring at 1 lb 3 oz. Ruby and Will refused to look at us, but for the first time, Savannah finally showed her face! According to Dr. Yost, she has very thick lips. Still no sign of bedrest coming anytime soon. Although, my other doctor told me that he would pull the plug on me working at Spring Break. It is nice to have an actual date in mind!
I continue to be overwhelmed, but am blessed with an amazing husband who has taken on an incredible load at home! He put the 2 new cribs together today. Holy cow!! The nursery shrunk SOOOO much!! Bryan isn't quite sure about having 3 beds in his room, he did like playing in the cribs, though. All in all, the nursery is ready for 3 babies. Now, we just need to get Bryan sleeping in his new room.
Speaking of his new room, Trey also got all of the pictures hung and furniture set. To say Bryan loves his new room would be an understatement. He loves to go night night on his big boy bed. Today he discovered the top bunk. He had so much fun getting his daddy to put him up there and then helping him fly off!
Bryan also got to feel Savannah move today. He looked a little confused when my stomach kicked him. Savannah and William have been moving up a storm!! Savannah is especially active at night. As a matter of fact, as I am typing, she is kicking and rolling away. I don't feel Ruby as much because of where she is. Although, I am pretty sure it was her that had the hiccups this morning. I feel so lucky to be able to feel them so much, and see them every week. Between the moving and the sonograms, I feel like I am getting a little insight into their personalities.