The Kneggs

The Kneggs

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

16 weeks down....

I was trying to think of a way to keep track of this crazy pregnancy, along with Bryan's milestones, and I figure using my blog may just be it!  

A lot has happened in the past 16 weeks.  I have had more doctors appointments than I  had the entire time I was pregnant with Bryan - well pretty close, anyway!  I have definitely had more sonograms!! 4 to be exact, but that number is going to rise quickly, as I am now having to go to the multiples specialist EVERY WEEK.  I will post the sonogram pictures soon - I need to get them uploaded.  I went to the doctor yesterday for a growth sonogram - to check and make sure all of the babies are thriving.  It was pretty amazing!!  I got to see 3 little baby brains, 6 kidneys, 6 arms, 6 legs, and 12 heart chambers.  It is still unbelievable to me that I was able to see so much when these 3 babies only weigh 6 ounces each.  They are all measuring at 16 weeks 3 days, which is exactly how far along I am.  With all of the chaos that has surrounded me lately, I found an incredible amount of calmness in looking at each of the 3 babies in such great detail.  We will soon be able to tell the genders, then the fun really begins - naming them!

Along with the excitement of preparing for triplets, I have the most amazing job of keeping up with 16 month old Bryan.  He is like the Energizer Bunny and never stops!!  He really couldn't care less that I am growing his siblings, he wants to play with Mommy, be held by Mommy, be right with Mommy every minute that he can and I LOVE IT!!  He is wearing me down, but at the end of the day I wouldn't change any of it.  I am so incredibly blessed to have him.  He is my first little miracle and I am cherishing every minute that he wants to be with me - I know it won't last forever!!

OK, that's enough of the sentimental mommy!  We have had an amazing Christmas and Bryan has been so fun to watch this year.  Here are some pictures of all of the festivities...

Playing with Cousin Cerah
Playing with Papa

Happy Boy

He has this present thing down!

New boots from Santa

A tent for Nana's house

All dressed up - Sorry, I couldn't get it turned!

Christmas at Noni and PaPa's house

Testing out the "hammocks" for the triplets

DRUMS!!! Thanks Aunt Laura and Uncle Carl!!

And here is how he sounds on the drums....

Monday, October 31, 2011

Abundantly Blessed

I am starting this post with a little background on the journey that Trey and I have been on in the last few years to bring us to the incredible adventure we are about to embark on...

We got married in August of 2008.  By September I was pregnant.  We were so excited!  Unfortunately, about 6 weeks into the pregnancy, I woke up in incredible pain.  I went to the doctor who sent me to get a sonogram.  From there, I learned that my pregnancy was ectopic and I had to have surgery immediately.  We were devastated.  As time passed, though, we decided to try again.  In May of 2009, I was pregnant again!  Sadly, though I had another ectopic.  This time it was a long, drawn out process that included many doctors appointments and blood tests.  From here, we were at a loss.  Do we try again, or do we go straight to IVF?  After many discussions with my doctor, we decided that we could not handle another loss.  If we truly wanted to become parents, we would have to go through with IVF.

We started the process in October of 2009, and by December I was pregnant!!  I had a pretty smooth pregnancy and on August 25, 2010, Bryan was born.  What an amazing gift he is to us!!  He makes us laugh and smile every day.  We decided that he is such a blessing, that we would like to make him a big brother.  So in September of this year, we began the IVF process again.  On September 23rd, we had 3 embryos implanted.  Most people question that decision but it came down to this... We had 5 viable embryos left from our original IVF cycle that had been frozen.  When we went in for the transfer, 3 were growing - 1 was grade A, 1 Mid-B, and 1 Low-B.  The embryologist told us that we could implant all 3 and the likelihood of multiples (twins or triplets) was about 5% - maybe lower given the grade of 2 of the embryos.  We also know that this was going to be our last cycle and in the end did not want to have to tell the clinic to dispose of any unused embryos.  On October 3rd, we got the good news that it worked!!  I am pregnant again!!

The first few weeks went pretty much par for the course.  I am exhausted and nauseous pretty much all of the time.  Last Saturday night, though, we had a scare.  Without giving all of the details, I was sure that I was having a miscarriage.  Trey and I were devastated.  We called the doctor and he told me to go home and lay down, then go to his office in the morning.  I did what he said and headed to his office on Sunday morning.  I was so scared that Trey had to do all of the talking for me.  So, we sat in the exam room and the doctor reviewed my file and tried to keep me calm.  He decided to do a sonogram and see what was going on.  As he started the sonogram, he mentioned that they had implanted 3 embryos - which we knew.  He then said, "And all three have attached."


Then I look at the screen as he is typing TRIPLETS....  HOLY COW!!!

Under normal circumstances, I would have flipped out.  However, we went into the office thinking that we would see nothing, and instead, saw 3 beautiful and amazing heart beats.  I know that we have a long road ahead - I have already thought about the fact that I will end up on bed rest, we have a huge risk of premies and NICU stays, and we will have 4 kids under the age of 2.  But we continue to pray that God's plan will get us all through and we will go from being a family of 3 to a family of 6 next year.  With all of the struggle to get here, we truly appreciate the fact that we are ABUNDANTLY BLESSED!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


There has been a lot going on this month!!  Here are a few pictures to show you what Bryan has been up to...
He loves to be in the water!! 
Trey hung a new swing on the back porch 
Modeling his coon skin hat 
Taking his first wagon ride 

Watching the NBA Finals!  Go MAVS!! 
Watching Mickey Mouse on the dog's pillow 
Blowing raspberries - his favorite new trick 
Family Photo

Bryan likes to play peek-a-boo now when we go get him from the crib 
The rest of these are from our trip to TN - in this one he is with my cousin Bart 

Picking blueberries 
And eating blueberries 

 Riding his first horse with my uncle Ray
 With my grandmother

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer Break is almost here...

It has been a long month and I am more than ready for summer break to begin!!  Here are a few things that we have been up to....

On May 14th, surrounded by family, Bryan was baptized.  We were so blessed to have so many family members come a celebrate that special day.  Especially Bryan's godparents - his Aunt Katie and Great Uncle Doug!

We have also had a lot of fun with water this month.  Bryan has started baths in the kitchen sink and has so much fun!!  We also decided to set up his small pool in the backyard - he was not quite sure about this one!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


So yesterday Bryan had lasagna for the first time.  He quite obviously did not like it!!  So what do I do?!?!  Give it to him again today so I can get a video!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Family Weekend

I also took a couple of videos of the serious playing we did this weekend...

Bryan loves to jump in his bouncer!!

He is just figuring out his racetrack that he got for Christmas!

Happy Spring!!

Here are just a few pictures we took this weekend!  They are in a very random order (as usual) but they are still fun to look at!!  No, I am not biased at all!!